There is many way to get money from internet and according to me using a blog to make money from internet is the most efficient way. We can make money from our blog with various technique such as affiliate marketing, paid to review program, google adsense and many others. The most important thing to start on doing blog business is make pillar contents (high quality articles). Its useful to make high traffic for our blog. Why high traffic? Our blog like a recreation place where we can sell anything can sold in there. If there are progressively peoples who visit, hence there is ever greater of our potency to sold something.
The other thing that important too is marketing. It’s about how to make our high quality articles read by peoples. The job of articles marketing is make peoples know if there is many informations they need or just they like and where they can find it. We can promote our articles using search engine, submit it to forum, using e-mail, doing offline promotion and others. It’s simple to talk about but we must do hard work at first to be success. If we have success on getting high traffic for our blog, make money will be easier. So don’t think about blog monetize first but think about high traffic first, cause we can’t monetize our blog before it have a good traffic.
We may need a couple of months to get high traffic and before we can make money from our blog, so patient, spirits and continuous access to the internet are very needed. Don’t think about money on at least first three months, cause that time is to build traffic as the condition to monetize our blog. Focus to build traffic at the first three months is the only one way if we want make money from our blog.
Focus to make pillar contents (high quality articles) at the first and then focus to promote it is the way to reach the condition where we can make money from our blog. If our blog have reach high traffic, continue to make pillar contents and promote it is the way to keep and increase our blog’s high traffic. That means we just do simple cyclus.
The explanation above is the alternative way if we want to make money from blog if we can’t buy a popular blog.